
Pregnancy Update: Weeks 20-24 and Thoughts On My Changing Body

I’m excited to share a mid-second trimester pregnancy update: weeks 20-24 with you and all the ch-ch-ch-CHANGES that are happening with my body. It’s not always easy to see your body change, but I’ve already learned so much!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to be popping in today for my next pregnancy update and what’s been happening over the past month from 20-24 weeks. Just a reminder, we don’t know our baby’s sex, so if you’re an expert ultrasound reader – keep it to yourself (please and thank you)!

This will be short and sweet because my second trimester has been great so far! I almost feel guilty writing that because I feel so lucky to be having a relatively easy pregnancy (and hoping I don’t jinx it), but it’s true… I love being pregnant and especially in the past month have been feeling fab… even if I’m growing what seems like every day!

When I left off in my last update, my belly had just popped, and now it’s been growing weekly! At my last ultrasound, our baby was just over a pound at 21 weeks – wowza! I’m so relieved and feel so grateful that our little nugget is growing beautifully, on schedule, and everything looks good.

This pregnancy feels like such a gift and I want you to know that I don’t take one day for granted. I know talking about pregnancy can be a sensitive subject, so I hope anyone reading this, who is struggling, knows that I think of you all the time and I’m sending you my most hopeful wishes that you have an easy journey.

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 20-24

My Body

Over the last month, my body has gone through some of the biggest changes to date (and I expect that from here on out!). Not only is my belly officially out 24/7 (hellooooo maternity pants), but my boobs have grown too (I’ve officially never been bra shopping more often!).

As someone who was always self-conscious about my stomach (I can remember feeling this way back in middle school), it feels odd to embrace my growing belly so openly. It feels surreal to see my belly grow each and every week, and love it! Of course, there are times when I’m bloated AND pregnant and just feel like a whale already (hey, I’m human!). But most of the time, I’ve never felt so confident in my body. And as someone who encourages body confidence at every size, pregnancy has really let me fully practice what I preach and embrace every curve.

Even more, as someone who used to joke she looked pregnant because I had a crazy year pre-pregnancy with small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, IBS flare-ups, and constant bloating, it’s nice to feel like my protruding belly finally has a cause.

Now, I’m not suggesting you become pregnant to encourage body positivity, but I hope that if you’re not pregnant and reading this, you can choose something about your body to appreciate and enjoy! I know I’m going to work really hard on this post-pregnancy too – so stay tuned for that!

To accommodate my growing bump, I finally went maternity clothes shopping with my mama! It was such a special day to share – and totally surreal! They had these pillow cushions at the store you could try on to see what you’ll look like when your belly gets even bigger (see photo below), and to stay we had a good laugh at the ridiculousness of it was an understatement…

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 20-24

So far I only got a few tops (I love this plaid one!) and a pair of pants, but mostly stole some clothes from my mom), but mostly because my best friend gave me a ton of maternity clothes, which has been a lifesaver!

Baby Movement

In the past couple of weeks, our baby has become SO active. I’m convinced our baby is a gymnast… or maybe learning my dance moves from my dance cardio classes. I feel the baby much more when I’m lying down or sitting, but it’s constant now (although not keeping me up at night, thank goodness!). My husband loves feeling the baby move (although he’s a little impatient at times), and my parents, grandma, and mother-in-law have all felt some kicks too! It feels so special to be able to share this unbelievable time with others!

Cravings and Eating

Honestly, I don’t have much to say here! I still don’t crave veggies as much as I used to, and dessert sounds appealing WAY more frequently, but overall I haven’t had such specific cravings like “HAVE TO HAVE PICKLES NOW!”

I follow my own advice and eating what I’m in the mood for, when I feel hungry, and stopping when I feel full. Sometimes it’s just too hard to eat a real dinner because I feel bloated and just full by the end of the day. To compensate and make sure I’m getting the nutrition we need, I try to work in some good protein sources and veggies earlier in the day. I can only imagine that when my belly gets bigger it will be even harder (and I can already see the heartburn coming!). To see what I eat on a daily basis (and for inspo), you can hop on over to Instagram for my What I Ate Wednesday series in my IG stories!

(And yes, I’ve been eating high fiber crackers everyday to help prevent pregnancy constipation – they really help!)

To satisfy my sweet tooth, these have been my favorites lately: Fancypants double chocolate cookies and Bitsy’s Brainfood Smart Cookies (the gingerbread!!!). Seriously YUM, and both 100% nut-free!


With my OB’s green light, I’ve continued my dance cardio classes about 4 times per week over the past month. Some classes are harder than others and I’ve definitely learned how to modify and take breaks when I need (like when the baby is bouncing on my bladder and I feel like I’m going to legit pee in my pants!).

As far as workout gear, I’m still in my pre-pregnancy workout clothes (I love Old Navy compression leggings and this tie back top – they have room to grow!), but I am doubling up my new sports bras because none feel supportive enough for 55 minutes of jumping. Suggestions anyone?!


My pre-natal supplement regimen has stayed the same – I have an entire post coming soon on this, so stay tuned all my mama’s out there!

Current Obstacles

SLEEP is the biggest obstacle that comes to mind. I’ve been lucky not to have much back pain or swelling in my feet (which I hear can happen around now). But I am NOT a side sleeper, so it’s been tough. The pillow I got (below) has definitely helped!

Another pregnancy symptom that no one tells you about: NOSE BLEEDS! Between it being a very cold winter here in New York and hormonal changes, nose bleeds are much more common. I’ve been sticking a lot of aquaphor up my nose!


Second Trimester Favorites (so far)

I have about a month left in my second trimester, but already have some second trimester favorites I couldn’t wait to share with you!

Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow – My husband got me this for Valentine’s Day (romantic, I know!), and I LOVE it! I didn’t want one of those huge pregnancy pillow (like the snoogle) to take up our entire bed. Instead, I’m making it work with smaller pillows. This pillow is a wedge, so it fits right under the bump. It also feels really good behind my back when I’m slightly upright too! There are also two different firmness sides, which can be helpful, depending on how you’re feeling. Definitely look into this one if you’re looking for a pregnancy pillow!

Earth Mama Belly Oil and Lotion – I mentioned this on Instagram, and I’m still obsessed. It smells like a delicious vanilla creamsicle, but not in an over-powering way (because I hate that). I rub it on my belly usually in the morning and at night, always after I shower. 

Grocery Delivery Services – No joke! Grocery shopping in the city can be hard (more shlepping), so I’m trying to make it easier. I order FreshDirect weekly!

The Bra Associate at Nordstrom’s – Seriously, she was a gem! I was shopping for something I’ve never quite had to shop for before (support!), so I really didn’t know much. She was so patient and I’m so grateful! I ended up with this beauty.

Black Old Navy Full Panel Maternity Jeans – The one pair of pants I did buy are these. I didn’t want to spend a lot on maternity clothes and I’ve been living in them. They look polished and fit like a glove!



And that takes us to halfway!! Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I can’t wait to hear from you – come say hi over on Instagram! I’ll be back for my next update in several weeks!


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