
I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane…Healthy Travel Tips!

Traveling has it’s perks…exploring new places…visiting with loved ones…trying the local cuisine and hot spots…the list can go on…


But shlepping to get to your final destination can be stressful, exhausting, and the ultimate NIGHTMARE!

While Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year (or so they say), I’m pretty sure Christmas may run a close second. Dragging your heavy bags through the airport, long security lines, sitting cramped in a car for hours, limited food options on the road or in the airport…no matter your method of transportation, it can put a damper on your trip! UGH! 

Follow my healthy travel tips so you can feel your best, no matter where you’re headed!

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! This is probably one of the most important tips for healthy travel! Sip that WATER continuously because flying is dehydrating and if you’re going on a long road trip you might subconsciously cut back on your fluids to prevent bathroom pit-stops! Even if it takes a half hour longer to arrive at your destination, it’s worth it to prevent headaches, to keep your energy up, and to benefit your overall health.

*Bonus tip*: Don’t confuse hunger with thirst! Sipping water can prevent mindless snacking.

*When flying, skip the alcohol, which is also dehydrating. Opt for sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice if you want something besides plain water. (And don’t drink & drive…but I didn’t think that really needed to be said!)

Pack for your Snack Attack! Prepare snacks before leaving your home so you’re not stuck choosing between a few vending machine options at the gas station. Cut up veggies and whole grain crackers with an individual travel pack of hummus is a great travel-friendly option. Be sure to include complex carbs and protein to keep you full until your next meal.

*New product alert*: These Savory Thin Mini Edamame Crackers from Trader Joe’s are my new faves! You can have 38 of these gluten-free crackers for 120 calories, 2g fat, and 3g protein. I’m munching on ’em now! unnamed

Stick to scheduled meal times. While it’s always good to have snacks on hand ICE (in case of emergency), try to adhere to your normal feeding times. Eating nutriti-licious meals at your normal times will prevent munching out of boredom (other alternatives: read a book, watch a movie, listen to music!).

Count to 10. Feeling stressed from long lines or crazy drivers on the road? Counting to 10 will help you relax (& lower your blood pressure if you’ve gotten too worked up!) so you can have a peaceful trip. Listening to music can have the same effect!


Jet lag = no fun. Flying can really wipe you out, especially if you’re flying over time zones, but you CAN make it better by getting plenty of sleep before your trip, trying to sleep on the plane (I know it’s hard!) and fueling yourself with nutritious foods.

Once you arrive at your destination, get out and MOVE! Walk or bike the new terrain if you’re visiting a foreign place. Heading home for the holidays? Offer to run some errands and bike to the store!

On meds? Overpack! December and January are notorious for snow and delays, so you never want to be stuck somewhere for an extra couple of days without essential meds (especially something like insulin or inhalers).

Keep it movin’! Going to a new place can give your intestinal track some trouble. To keep your belly happy, don’t skimp on fresh produce (full of fiber) and water!

Are you traveling this holiday season??? 

As you read this I’m doing something like this…IMG_0018

…in South America! I can’t wait to share my foodie vacation adventures soon! 

Til then, travel safe & stay healthy! 🙂

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  1. I do a lot of travelling, and i love to travel, but in a long time i became stressed, this blog will help me stay fit and healthy while travelling, thanks a lot for Sharing.