
Chew On This…An Important Holiday Message

I want to discuss something serious…something very important to me…and something that interests my psychology background. With the holidays season around the corner, and parties abundant, I thought now would be the perfect time to discuss the newest diet on the block: DRUNKOREXIA.

unnamedStarving oneself to save calories for alcohol. 

Eating less…drinking more.

This summer I read an article in the LA Times about this popular behavior among young adults in my age group and was shocked…but sadly, realized I know colleagues and friends that have  participated in this type of behavior.

‘DRUNKOREXIA’ is defined as “skipping meals to manage your calorie count so you can drink alcohol without adding weight.” Experts obviously decry this behavior as dangerous and faulty, but why is it so popular? 

Everyone knows alcohol packs on the pounds. (Hello? It’s called a beer belly for a reason!) Our society considers extreme thinness as the epitome of beauty, but to achieve a waif-like look through disordered behavior is not healthy. And drunkorexia can be considered a type of disordered eating.

With a background in psychology, the connection between diet and the mind is of the upmost importance to my current studies and future career.


My point of raising this issue is not to point fingers or blame society for encouraging unrealistic expectations, but to raise awareness, and focus on what we SHOULD be doing instead of SHOULDN’T.

We should avoid toxic substances…chemicals…additives in our food.

We should relish eating REAL food.

We should enjoy alcohol (if you want) in moderation and without starvation.


I love a cocktail as much as the next girl, but I also nourish my body with a nutritious diet from whole foods for optimal health…and I encourage you to do so too!

Stay safe this holiday season!







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