
6 Grocery Shopping Tips for When You Don’t Have a Plan

Grocery shopping is a serious hobby of mine, so I’m excited to share these 6 grocery shopping tips for when you don’t have a plan to make balanced eating a reality. Working with busy moms, I know that you won’t always have time to plan your meals. Save these tips for when life gets busy and you need quick, energizing meals that help boost your energy too!

6 grocery shopping tips for when you don't have a plan

Imagine walking into a grocery store – WITHOUT A LIST – and feeling comfortable buying ANYTHING you want?

Knowing that you’re not “good” for filling your cart up with veggies or “bad” for adding a few desserts to your cart?

That you can confidently lean on convenience foods for the busy season of life you’re in right now. Or changing your planned dinners at the last minute because something else is on sale when you step into the store? Confidently knowing what to buy to create quick, easy + energizing meals?

As a working mom and registered dietitian, I consider grocery shopping without a plan my superpower. I can get in and out of the store in less than 30 minutes and have a weeks worth of meals… without thinking about it before I get in the car.

That’s what’s possible when you release your food rules + approach your nutrition with confidence. And it’s one of my favorite parts of working with clients to implement long-term strategies that make sense for your family when it comes to meal planning + food shopping… and I can’t wait to help you too!

If grocery shopping with a specific meal plan and list works for you, keep doing you.

But this is for those weeks when you didn’t have a chance to think about what’s for dinner in advance and you need to feed your family (and yourself!!!) nourishing, balanced, satisfying, feel good meals.

There are 2 important keys when grocery shopping without a plan…

  1. Flexibility
  2. Knowing how to make energizing meals

It’s essential to be flexible because you’re grocery shopping on a whim. You didn’t pick out specific recipes you have to follow, so there’s more flexibility off the bat. Having a flexible mindset when it comes to food helps you do this. This is how food doesn’t have to take up so much brain space all week.

Basic knowledge of how to make energizing meals is also important. If you don’t know how to put together a balanced, satisfying, nourishing, energizing meal, then it will be hard to feel good all week without a plan. This is why nutrition with satisfaction is a key pillar in my nutrition programs. Creating balanced meals is a non-negotiable for many of my clients and myself! You can get a head start by downloading my Ultimate Guide to Balance Your Plate to get started.

6 Grocery Shopping Tips for When You Don’t Have a Plan

1 . Make your cart look like your desired plate

If you aim for a balanced plate most of the time, balance your cart. If your cart is unbalanced, you won’t have the ingredients necessary to create your balanced meals!

Typically, this looks like:

  • 1/4 cart proteins
  • 1/4 cart carbs
  • 1/2 cart produce (veggies and fruit)

Of course, these proportions can shift based on your pantry and freezer at home. For example, I often stock up on grains, like quinoa, oats, and rice in bulk (thank you Costco). So I often don’t need a full 1/4 of my cart to be carbs.

Similarly, if you have a bunch of frozen proteins or produce you want to use that week, you won’t need as much fresh.

2 . Add 1-2 breakfasts for the week

Oftentimes we think dinner when grocery shopping, but don’t skimp on other meals! Breakfast and lunch are just as important, even if you eat differently than your family for those (like if your kids are at school).

Some of my favorite breakfast staples include:

  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Smoothie ingredients
  • Frozen waffles
  • Nut/seed butters
  • Fruit
  • Chia and flax seeds

3 . Add in 1-2 snacks for the week

Like breakfast, snacks are often overlooked. When you don’t have a few snacks you’re planning for you’ll be more likely to reach for quick energy (think carbs) that won’t actually keep you full for long.

Instead, while you’re shopping add 1-2 PROTEIN- and/or FAT-rich foods that have more staying power. Then pair them with the carb snacks you have at home.

4 . Add flavor bombs

Even if you’re not a voracious cook, one way to make your food taste SO much better is by adding FLAVOR. This can look like…

  • Sauces
  • Condiments
  • Salty toppings – olives, pickles, cheese
  • Umami flavors – kimchi, miso, soy sauce
  • Cheese
  • Fresh herbs – trust me, they totally elevate a boring salad!

5 . Don’t forget a few FUN FOODS

You won’t be satisfied all week if you neglect your fun foods! These are the foods that help you stop thinking about food so much.

If you’re thinking “I can’t keep ___ in the house,” then read this.

6 . Pick up some CONVENIENCE foods

You don’t have a plan, so you may not have all the ingredients you need for the week. That’s where convenience foods come into play. To have an “insurance policy” and prevent a trip back to the store, add…

  • Frozen foods – think chicken nuggets, burgers, etc.
  • Rotisserie chicken – make your life easy – perfect to add to casseroles, tacos, or just as is!
  • Pre-steamed lentils or canned beans – easy carby protein to add to your meal
  • Salad kits

Or any other food that’s EASY for you.

You won’t always have time to make a perfectly planned grocery shopping list, but save these Grocery Shopping Tips for When You Don’t Have a Plan in your back pocket for when needed!