
Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

Roasted to perfection, these Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts are packed with salty, sweet and umami flavor! A great side dish that’s easy, but can impress any guests, to boost your veggie intake this winter!

Nut Free, Gluten Free option, Dairy Free

Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

I’ve decided that 2024 is the year I’m going to work SMARTER, not harder! And what I mean by that is I will be going back through my recipe archives to *actually* share all of the recipes I’ve created over the years, but never made a blog post for.

And let me tell you… I have a lot of those!

I want to make sure you have access to all of my favorite recipes that I feed my family and share with my clients so that balanced nutrition and creating balanced meals is easy for you too.

Back in December 2019 I first created a “Maple Miso” recipe. Is it published ANYWHERE on my blog though? NOPE!

I originally created Maple Miso Tempeh and Broccoli, which is still a delicious recipe (also not published), but I never loved the photographs, so I didn’t share it. (I did, however, create a Miso Tempeh and Brussels Sprouts that I shared on HealthCentral in 2022.)

This year my philosophy is “done is better than perfect!” I had an abundance of brussels sprouts in the fridge, so I adapted the recipe to create a side dish that will help you eat more veggies in 2024.

These Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts are…

  • Easy to make on 1 sheet pan
  • Super flavorful
  • Delicious even for brussels sprouts skeptics

I really hope you try this recipe to revamp your love for cruciferous vegetables – you can swap in broccoli or cauliflower for an equally delicious side dish!

Ingredients to Make Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

You’ll need 6 ingreidents to make this recipe, including:

  1. Miso paste
  2. Soy sauce or tamari sauce (to make it gluten free)
  3. Maple syrup
  4. Garlic
  5. Ground ginger
  6. Brussels sprouts

You’ll also need oil and black pepper. Optionally, to kick up the heat you’ll also need hot chili sauce. Since I’m always trying to get my kids to eat veggies I omit the spice, but there’s still TONS of flavor in this recipe!

Maple Miso marinade ingredients for brussels sprouts


I’m definitely NOT going to claim that you’ll have all of these ingredients in your pantry. In fact, you may have never heard of miso paste before, so let me introduce you.

Miso paste is a paste (comes in a tub, typically, like butter or cream cheese) that’s made from fermented soy beans. Because it’s fermented, it’s full of probiotics, which help support balanced gut health.

The best thing about miso paste is that it stays fresh in your fridge for months, so it will really last.

Miso is a quintessential flavor to describe an UMAMI flavor. It’s salty, tangy, some say “funky,” and has a richness to it. Katie Lee Biegel even makes chocolate chip cookies with miso in them that apparently are delicious, but I’ve never tried them!

Other recipes that use miso paste:

Kitchen Tools You’ll Need to Make Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

This recipe is super basic. You’ll need a bowl for mixing together the marinade and a sheet pan for roasting the brussels sprouts – that’s it!

Instead of a whisk, I actually like to use a fork to mix the marinade together because the miso is thick and it takes some working (like mashing) to work it into the soy sauce and oil.

How to Make Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

As I mentioned above, this recipe is SUPER SIMPLE to make. By the time your oven preheats you’ll be ready to roast your veggies.

First, you’ll make the marinade for the brussels sprouts.

In a small bowl mix together the soy sauce, miso paste, oil, maple syrup, garlic, ground ginger, black pepper (and optional hot chili sauce if you want a kick).

I like to mash the miso first to work it into the liquids. The marinade won’t be 100% smooth and that’s OK!

Next, distribute the brussels sprouts on the baking sheet.

I like using parchment paper for easy clean up, but you can also skip it and get scrubbin’ or use a reusable silicone mat.

You can toss the brussels sprouts in the marinade right on the baking sheet. Alternatively, use a big enough bowl to make the marinade and you can toss the brussels sprouts in the marinade in the bowl, then dump them on the baking sheet. It’s up to you!

Roast the brussels sprouts at 400 degrees F for ~25 minutes.

I like to toss in the middle so they don’t burn. The crispy leaves are the best part, so don’t forget them!

Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts before roasting
Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

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Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts

Roasted to perfection, these Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts are packed with salty, sweet and umami flavor! A great side dish that’s easy, but can impress any guests, to boost your veggie intake this winter!

  • Author: Chelsey
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 tablespoons miso paste
  • 2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce (or tamari, if gluten free)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons olive or avocado oil
  • OPTIONAL: 2 teaspoons hot chili sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely minced garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 cups halved brussels sprouts


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix together the miso paste, soy sauce, maple syrup, oil, (hot chili sauce), garlic, ground ginger and pepper. Use a fork to mash the miso and mix it into the liquids until nearly uniform consistency forms.
  3. Distribute the brussels sprouts on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Pour the miso mixture on top and toss together until all of the brussels sprouts are evenly coated.
  5. Roast for 25 minutes, tossing once in the middle, until the brussels sprouts are soft to fork and browned. Enjoy warm!

Keywords: brussels sprouts, miso, gut health, side dish, vegetables

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Maple Miso Brussels Sprouts