
One Mindset Shift to Conquer the Holiday Season with Confidence

If you’re overwhelmed by all the food, parties, indulgences, and “treats” during the holiday season, this blog post is for you. As a registered dietitian I’m sharing the one mindset shift to help you conquer the holiday season with confidence.

one mindset shift to help you conquer the holiday season with confidence.

I saw 2 Christmas trees this weekend, which means we’re officially in the HOLIDAY SEASON, right?? Every year it seems to get earlier and earlier, but here we are and I’m here for it!

Years ago, the holiday season was overwhelming to me. I stressed about all of the treats. All of the dessert recipes I had to test for my blog. All of the parties, the alcohol, the apps, the dinners. BUT NOT ANYMORE!!

So I asked on Instagram “What is your top worry about the holiday season?” and received a bunch of responses like “ALL THE FOOD!”

If you’re a chronic dieter, I get this can be overwhelming. You’re probably a chronic dieter because you love food (NO SHAME THERE!) and are on a never-ending journey to figure out how to have your pie and feel good too.

Well, I’m proof that it can happen! And so are all of my clients!

To help you navigate the holidays with confidence this year, I’m sharing the ONE mindset shift you need to start internalizing TODAY that will totally transform your holiday season…

You can eat ANY food at ANY time of year.

Maybe your grandma only made her sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving, but YOU can make it any time you want

Mashed potatoes go great in the spring with pork chops.

12 different types of cookies can be made any weekend you want to have a cookie marathon.

Just because you associate a food with a specific holiday doesn’t mean you can’t eat it at another time.

I want you to read, and re-read that, so you internalize that no food is a once a year type of food.

When you know and trust that you can have a food at ANY time it makes it easier to listen to your body and eat a portion that FEELS GOOD to your body.

WHY? Because foods aren’t off-limits any more. Instead of a SCARCITY MINDSET, you’ll start to view food with ABUNDANCE.

Don’t confuse that with always eating with abundance. It just means that you CAN have any food at any time instead of limiting yourself. Doesn’t that already feel better?

Think about any time you were about to start a diet…

The weekend before (because you always started on a Monday, right?) you went CRAZY eating whatever the F you wanted. Probably to the point of feeling SICK, right? You’d eat all the dessert, all the pizza, all the chips… because once you start your diet you can’t have it again.. EVER!!

But when you tell yourself you CAN eat those foods whenever you want, it’s easier to eat them in a way that feels good for your body.

Maybe now that’s eating a handful of chips with your salad or sandwich. Maybe that’s having a piece or two or three of Halloween candy and moving on. Maybe it’s having a couple of cookies, but not binging on the entire bag.

The same is true around the holidays. If you tell yourself this food is only around right now, you’ll want to eat it all right now. But if you internalize that you can truly have holiday foods ANY time of year, you’ll feel more comfortable eating an amount that feels good in your body.

It makes it easier to say goodbye to the stereotype that you’ll leave Thanksgiving dinner unbuttoning your pants, ya know what I mean?

one mindset shift to help you conquer the holiday season with confidence.

I know this will help if you try to internalize it!