On Self-Love: Accepting Imperfections
Whenever I speak to a prospective client about working together, I reveal the six cornerstones of my practice. The last one is self-love. I truly believe that we can never be completely content with our food choices, comfortable adopting a more mindful approach to living, or accepting of our bodies without raising awareness of self-love.
But self-love isn’t easy. It’s a lifelong journey that (in my experience) doesn’t have an “on” button you can switch overnight. So today I’m sharing some personal thoughts about my journey with self-love: On accepting imperfections that make you perfectly you…
Posting this video got me talking about body positivity, because I was so darn proud of myself for posting said video. A few months ago, I never would’ve revealed that imperfection! So I made a comment about loving my imperfect body (because I finally do!). But right after I posted that video I got to thinking… Why am I loving an imperfect body? My body is perfect for me… no justification needed!
Just because I don’t have a six pack or even a perfectly flat stomach doesn’t make it imperfect. It’s my body so that alone makes it perfect.
It took me years to get to a place of self-love. And there are days I’m just not there still. And that’s ok. Because self-love is hard. And it’s not about being perfect or declaring that you love everything about yourself – because that’s not realistic.
It’s hard to embrace ‘imperfections’ when society dictates otherwise. We’re told that we need to be tall and thin to be beautiful. That we need to have perfectly coiffed hair and an immaculate fashion sense and wealth. And sure, some of those things would be nice (not going to lie), but we should care more about being kind and smart and giving and thankful.
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But why, even if we exude these terrific qualities, is it still so hard to dig deep and find that self-love? That self-love when we don’t look like what’s on a billboard or tv? The self-love when life hands you lemons and you’re just trying to get through the day?
Self-love isn’t dictated by the number on a scale, or the size of your jeans. It’s not based on the number of workouts you fit in each week or the numbers of likes you get on Instagram.
Self-love is found from within. It may take work for some, or no work at all for others. But either way, it’s a practice that takes love, devotion and honesty. After working with many clients (and yes, myself), I have found that being able to harness the respect, love and honesty you show others, but towards yourself, is the first step to getting started.
So the next time you look in the mirror, notice the first thought that pops into your head. I challenge you to think (and say) something positive first. Being able to look in the mirror and love what you see, being able to be your truest self in relationships, and being honest with yourself is how you can begin to peel away the walls you may have formed over the years from society ideals that become engrained.
No number, no food, no workout, no external validation can just make self-love happen. You have to make it happen… and maybe that’s by starting to accept “imperfections” as beautifully you.
If you’re looking to nourish your body and explore your own journey to self love, I want to help. Please reach out to me at any time – I can’t wait to help you!
Love this Chels, such a great post and one that most of us need to read!!
Thank you so much Lindsey!! <3
Just beautiful my friend. I love your honesty and how you keep it real- we all have the days we need those reminders too! Big hugs to you ❤️
Thank you so much Liz!! YOUR honesty inspires me everyday!! <3
Lots of love for my favorite blogger!!!
<3 <3 <3
‘if i am not for myself, who will be for me
and if i am only for myself, what am i?
and if not now, when?”
“to thine own self be true”
wisdom of the ages and even more important in modern terms when there is so much bullying, body shaming and no respecting going on. be proud of who and what you are!!